Nuremberg Courtroom - 1945-46
Though I mentioned this in a previous post, today is the 65th anniversary of the start of the Nuremberg Trials. 24 Nazi leaders were tried by an international war tribunal. The United State, France, Great Britain and the Soviet Union were part of the tribunal. This was the first time in history that such an undertaking took place.
If a crime was committed in a certain country should not that crime be tried there, rather than a World Court?
About btcomp
I am a computer developer and web designer. My computer experience and lifestyle is a reflection of my earlier career in medicine, as a practicing Medical Technologist at two prestigious Teaching Hospitals, the University of Florida Shand's Teaching Hospital and the dual universities of Indiana University and Purdue University in Indianapolis, affiliated with the Veteran's Administration Hospital.
I went on to learn electronics to supplement my programming training and with this knowledge, training and experience I was able to edit and create reports for a physician's office practice management software company.
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Thanks for the complement. I used the badges from my uncle’s uniform for the background. I have many remembrances of his tour of duty, and have posted his letters at Check it out, as I have a chronology of WWII events that occurred while he wrote to home.