Monthly Archives: November 2009

Thanksgiving in the Aleutians – Umnak Island Nov. 25, 1943

Greetings this Thanksgiving eve, from Michigan, Edward’s home state. In Eddie’s only Thanksgiving spent on base, as he was on furlough the next year, was in Alaska. Check out this page, Also, here is a picture of Eddie … Continue reading

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Letter from Jerry

I thought I would post this latest entry from my uncle’s WWII story. It’s a short typewritten letter from Jerry, postmarked on April 20, 1945. Franklin Delano Roosevelt has passed away in Warm Springs, Georgia just eight days ago, on … Continue reading

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Where is this picture taken?

I can supply the when the picture was taken, approximately? But I can’t tell for sure where this picture was taken. I have been working on my uncle’s memoirs, his WWII days. This picture I would say was taken while … Continue reading

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