Blogspot Changes

I see that Google is changing the way people that host their blogs on their own servers is going to stop, at least that is what I am hearing. On May 1, 2010 the change will be in effect. I am watching this, and I was going to change over to their hosting, but I am confused by what they are saying.

I am going to wait like a good scout would do. If I notice no change I will leave it. If it changes then I will either go to their servers or move it to say WordPress.

I have been meaning to fix things such as the left side to include the different chapters. But I will wait until May 1, unless I find that I will definitely need to do something.

Your comments are welcome. If you are having a hard time trying to post on the blog, please send an email to

About btcomp

I am a computer developer and web designer. My computer experience and lifestyle is a reflection of my earlier career in medicine, as a practicing Medical Technologist at two prestigious Teaching Hospitals, the University of Florida Shand's Teaching Hospital and the dual universities of Indiana University and Purdue University in Indianapolis, affiliated with the Veteran's Administration Hospital. I went on to learn electronics to supplement my programming training and with this knowledge, training and experience I was able to edit and create reports for a physician's office practice management software company.
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2 Responses to Blogspot Changes

  1. Bob's Journal says:

    This is a test post, to see if Google has changed it's blog policy as stated to start May 1, 2010. If you se this post, then it still is working since it is May 3, 2010.

  2. EJT Administrator says:

    May 27, 2010 Testing

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