EE-woo-JEE-mah That is how you say Iwo Jima. It’s in the history books and many a movie describes the WWII story.
This 89 year old Holly, Michigan man’s story is a MUST see in our Memorial Day Weekend. David H. Langley was at the scene when the famous picture of the soldiers raising the flag on Iwo Jima in February 1945.
Iwo Jima is a small island in the Pacific between the islands of the Allies in Saipan & Tinian & Japan. It is named after the Japanese word “Iwo” for Sulphur. Yellow sulphuric acid rises as a mist, giving that distinct ‘rotton eggs’ smell soldiers would routinely sense.
Iwo Jima was first bombed in Nov. 1944 and it was the Allies plan to gain possession of this small but strategic island. The airfield they could use as a refueling point for bombing missions in Japan made this ‘speck’ of land a ‘giant’!