First Blog

This is the first blog on this site. This will be updated on a regular basis, and will be a place for others to comment on the website and to help generate ideas.

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9 Responses to First Blog

  1. EJT Administrator says:

    This is the first comment on this blog. Please note that this blog is in Beta. It will be improved. You are welcome to leave comments.

  2. Anonymous says:

    This is the EJT AdMin and I am testing this. The blog is in Beta, but I am hoping to get it working on the website.

  3. Bob T. says:

    Testing this blog out. On Wed. 29 Sept. 2010

  4. Kenna says:

    This is a wonderful blog, Bob. I am very impressed. I hope you get lots of interest on Google. You certainly deserve it. I know that a website like this must be complicated and somewhat costly to put together, the postage alone, and phone calls, etc. You’ve done a great job and I’m so honored to have my father’s story (Kenneth MacDonald) included.

  5. Bob says:

    Thanks Kenna,

    No problem. I am opening this site to other soldier’s stories and their letters.

  6. btcomp says:

    Testing again on Saturday evening, 2 Oct. 2010

  7. btcomp says:

    Testing 2 on Saturday Oct. 2, 2010

  8. btcomp says:

    Testing 3 on Saturday Oct. 2, 2010

  9. btcomp says:

    Let’s try this a fourth time. Sat. 2 Oct. 2010

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